Originally Posted by aly
I think it's going to be a good year!
Wow, I think so too!

I guess I would 'reframe' those frustrating moments when she is 'hiding' into pointing out how good a job she is doing on the EQ front.

"I saw that you didn't show what you know because you wanted to protect Jill's feeling. You pay close attention to how Jill feels and act kind to her."

I'll bet a dollar that your DD would burst into tears after about the 7th time you do something like that. Once you take the role of appreciating her strength in holding herself back, she'll have the space to feel the other side of her coin - that there really is part of her that wants to be free to be herself. But it's hard for her to do that until you 'hold' the good part for her.

that's just a hunch, but it's worked well for my DS.

I like the books on
ICPS - I Can Problem Solve: An Interpersonal Cognitive Problem ...
www.researchpress.com/product/item/4628/ - CachedICPS - I Can Problem Solve, An Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-Solving Program, Dr. Myrna B. Shure.

there are a whole bunch aimed at parents of different aged kids, so you'll have to hunt a bit to figure out which isn't too 'young' for your DD.

But I still want you to think about another skip in the future, as the best way to keep a 'blend in-y' kid from underachieving is to place her against a background where she can achieve without having to stand out socially. Not this year, because a great teacher is such a gift, but to think about for the future.


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