Hi MumOf3

We had an absolute nightmare training DS, absolutely due to giftedness - he way over thought it. He could not be bribed and once we went the pull up route we lost a year. Finally we went cold turkey, took 3 days, me weeping on the couch, nd the purchase of a steam cleaner for the rugs but he was done and went to pre-pre k in underwear!

In the midst of the hell, we found two nice tools, one video, and one book. The video is great, Elmo takes them through the whole process and the other is just cute and comes with a chart and stickers. Those only worked for a short time. We also never used a potty, we got a toliet seat with a kid seat in the lid because he was scared of falling in!

Elmo potty video
Time to pee

We totally screwed it up too smile and now he is 5.5 and is always dry through the night with issues only when affected by soemthing else. Don't discount the stomach issues affecting her, DS gets constipated with a hint of dehydration and it set off bad memories and cycles about poop. We had to do all sorts of things no one ever talks about!!! I said to DH the other day that I wanted to be done with all bodily fluids already - no poop, no vomit, no snot!


Last edited by DeHe; 08/18/11 08:06 PM.