The mental health questions asked in the questionnaire are a standard set of questions asked here in Australia to assess people's mental health status. I participate in another parenting study that asks those questions every time they provide a questionnaire. The very same questions are used as part of a standard check up of mothers following the birth of a child and I believe they're the same questions used by doctors to determine whether or not someone needs assistance for depression or anxiety - so they're not just questions the researcher has put together, they're a standard set of question used here. I assume she has included them because people's mental health is relevant to studying people's experience of parenting a gifted child. Or she's wanting to control for people with a particular mental health profile? (I don't know enough about survey preparation to know if that's likely, but just a thought).

I agree with Colinsmum that the survey is much more anonymous than here. I too am curious about what is causing concerns. Certainly I can understand people feeling worried about being judged on their mental health status - but no identification, no judgement.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke