Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Originally Posted by Wren
I started the survey but then it went on for pages about my mental and emotional health and I thought it did not have that much to do with gifted children. I think she was looking to see how stressed we were on raising our gifted children and I wasn't interested in going there.
That's clearly her research topic yes: it's about the experience of *parenting* gifted kids, not about about the kids. I thought the advance information was clear enough about this, and I found it interesting to complete (not least because I currently feel very positive and well-supported in parenting DS and it was pleasant to bring this to the front of my mind!) but yes, people who don't want to talk about how they feel parenting a giftie should steer clear.

I took the survey, and found the questions re: my mental health pretty extreme. Even though I would have responded to the survey differently last year, when I was very stressed and upset re: unsuccessful advocacy, it seemed to me the questions were geared more toward finding out if people suffered from clinical depression.

I wouldn't mind talking about what it's like to parent my DS, but to ask personal questions about my own mental health is crossing the line.

How "skewed" will this become if most who answer have mental problems?