Originally Posted by triplejmom
Grinity, thanks for stressing not to forget about the other pieces of our family life where we can have an impact...we try and do as much as possible in our home life to enrich our kids lives...I just want it all I guess so to speak. I will keep in mind to remain as positive at home with him, and go the extra mile though to try and make up for what is lacking in other places. First in order is applying to DYS, just waiting on his reference letter to be filled out...
Breathe in....breathe out. Its amazing how many people think this "gift" comes with a box of chocolates and roses attached to it...oh if they only knew...
Excellent News! Good luck with getting the DYS application all together. I think that the best way to 'get it all' is to focus on that you actually have influence over. Stephen Covey wrote that the area of influence grows the longer we focus to achieving good stuff inside it. I hope that's true. Hopefully your family consultant will be a very helpful addition to your advocacy efforts, but even if not, I believe that what kids really need the most is knowing that you tried to stand up for them.


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