Anyone have any advice for a mom who feels like every time she opens her mouth to her childs school, that shes talking to deaf ears, or somehow causing them to feel like they are being slighted?
I'm just so exhausted from having to fight for every inch my son is given...If I hear " all the kids in the class are bright..." one.more.time...which is a crock! All my sons professional testing may as well have been done by Ronald McDonald by their standards because they don't believe in acceleration, and this and that, and well anything other than every kid is average.
It doesn't help that we are currently stuck here, and its not a choice assignment to say the least...I'm just so overly frustrated I'm ready to explode. I don't see why people can't grasp that some kids are just on another level. It doesn't say anything bad about the other kids at all, I have two that are perfectly fine in their grade at public school without any extras necessary. Its like gifted means every kid in the population here that can get an A...which is just plain dumb!
<banging head on wall> I guess dealing with the same people over and over expecting a different result puts me in the crazy department too!
What do some of you do to cope with the frustration of this world where there is so much lack of knowledge, or understanding?