I'm sorry you are going through this. frown When we had communication breakdowns at our DS's last school, I took the route of asking very nicely if we could start over and stated that I thought that there must just be some miscommunication. We offered all kinds of ideas that would not be time-consuming for the teachers.

Do you have other support? We had some experiences where the teachers were more willing to listen to dad.

How old is your son? Can he do any self advocacy? Maybe if the teacher hears from your son that he sees that all the other kids are learning new things every day, and he really would like to learn some new things too?

Has the school tested your DS on their own? Our DS's school suddenly became more willing to see the differences in DS when they tested him using their own tests.

We thought we had no choice too, but then we thought it might not be so bad to drive 45 minutes to school to open up our choices. Are there any out-of-the-box choices that maybe you've discounted in the past, but they now are possibly more appealing due to the situation?