Cricket are you in the pikes peak region? There seems to be a gifted charter school in distric #11 that also supports 2E.

Academy for Advanced & Creative Learning
Investigate & Reflect, Explore & Lead
Guiding Gifted Students in the Pikes Peak Region

The rest of the district seems to support gifted ed as well.

Have you heard of this district?

On their site I think it states that the school was established by parents and teachers to support gifted and 2E so you might be able to contact people there who could help you in your area of CO if you do not live in Colorado Springs.

My ds10 is somewhat bright (you can read my two first posts for background) and has issues that we are trying to figure out. I feel, as you do, that some of his problems could be helped by finding similar kids. I think that your quest to find similar kids seems to me a good idea. A short story about this topic: we all went out to eat this weekend dh, ds10 and ds7. We were seated by a mother with four kids. My ds and her ds10 started talking and talking. I could not hear everything but their words and topics were advanced. It was great seeing ds10 so engaged. I sensed the same with the mother so I asked her, "is your kid smart at school or really really interested in certain topics?" (to try to break the ice for further contact). And she said yes and she wanted to exchange numbers which we did. So it appears that many parents are looking for the same thing that you are.

I think it might be possible that people at the above school may know groups or contacts in your area.

Good luck

kathleen's mom Do you have the name or copy of the article it sounds helpful?