Let me end my tirade on a short story. At dual camp this summer he got to meet his new spanish teacher. He took the stairs 2 at a time, as he did all through 2nd grade, and she said he'd have to stay in for 5 min. during the next recess to take them one at a time. He was totally confused, took it totally personally. Even said, trying to understand the discrepancy "I am so 'BAD' at school, but pretty 'GOOD' at home?"

Oh, that is sad.

Well, at least they admitted that scheduling was the primary issue in not allowing the SA (although it sounds like they have not conceded that he needs "more").

When do you have testing scheduled? I think having that information will help - especially if you feel there are gaps. I know that I one point several years ago I felt like my DS really knew material at X grade level, but when I signed him up for Aleks I realized he actually only knew about half of it (albeit it was still several years ahead). Having objective evidence, like the SCAT test, or achievement testing or MAP testing really helps - I think schools just have a hard time with assessments by parents, even if you do bring in portfolio items, etc.