DS8 is in dual and therefore cannot, I repeat cannot be subject accelerated math. I was also told that this year, the 3rd & 4th grade maths don't coinside, so even if he moved up, he's miss something else in 3rd, and then have to sit through 3rd math anyway.

I was told through differentiation he would receive some 4th grade math work and through the G&T, he'll get more challenging work.

The coordinator said, as a parent, the system wouldn't be able to offer advanced math past a certain point, and that it's better to have a well rounded curriculum now with the bilingual component than just accelerated math and no bilingual b/c eventually the system can't offer anything past calculus.

Fair enough - and I do agree on the bilingual.

What I am most worried about is losing his enthusiasm to learn, esp. math. I can HS one morning a week and watch his homework this year to be sure he's being challenged - and he won't miss much during that one morning (maybe announcements and 15 min. of class).

I think about athletes though. I was a "gifted" swimmer and it seems like the analogy would be, "well, don't swim so much b/c we want you to be a well rounded athlete."

OK... but I have a gift... which led me to being nationally ranked in the top 15 - I couldn't acheive that in other sports and it would be silly to think I could.

Bringing it back to DS8 math...

I think it's criminal to not fire that spark when he's doing math at the 4th & sometimes 5th grade level... rarely do I see this intensity and satisfaction. It is amazing to see.

I've gone on... welcome all thoughts, although it might be unclear that I'm seeking wisdom on continued HS & advancement, I guess?!