Dee, I am responding here to your interest in experience with twins. Mine are also b/g twins, and now 11.5yo, going into 6th grade. We also have some differences in ability - for example going back to the reading milestone, dd was reading by 2yo, and ds didn't learn until 3.5yo. Dd is still across the board academically stronger than ds, but they are still both hg+. They were in separate classes for K-2 (we worried about competition between them, and also wanted them to branch out socially). The school put a grade skip on the table for dd in 2nd grade but we opted not to take it or to make a case for skipping both kids, for a variety of reasons. Their school has a separate campus for 3-5, and the principal there put our kids in the same class for the purpose of clustering. The principal is a fierce advocate of the inclusive classroom, and is successful in making in-class differentiation work.

They will experience their first explicit subject acceleration this fall as they start 6th in the middle school - both have been placed in 9th grade math. We expect they'll be together for math, but otherwise in separate classes.

Last edited by amylou; 07/14/11 06:21 AM.