I'll answer your post title.

My son doesn't read independently. But, he can read second grade level books.

To explain: He very rarely picks up a book and reads from it, yet he will read pages when my husband or I read every other one or if we prompt him.

Like your child, our son will read random words when we are out. The other day he read the word, "organic" at the store, for instance.

Many times my son will tell me he is too young to read yet and won't be able to until he is ten years old. Silliness or Apprehension? I don't know. I keep telling him he does read just fine, but when he is put on "the spot" sometimes he balks.

Oh, btw...he was able to read a typical Cat in the Hat book at 3.

Last edited by Ametrine; 07/12/11 05:34 PM.