Both his K teacher and GC said that in first grade they work more on writing and in reading introduce more about plots, characters and interactions. Basically the accelerated class works 1 grade ahead in reading and math (math if the student is ready, similar to F/T gifted. Other subjects are also given more depth than in a regular grade class.
Writing might be difficult because of handwriting more than lack of ideas or sentence structure.
I actually thought K went better than I had expected. Should I not be pessimistic again about 1st? I don't know. He needs more challenge, he as always been in his own view "the star of the class". I don't want him to get used to everything being easy and never having to really strive or compete. Math just makes it more complicated. He knows how to do multiplication, division, know some fractions and decimals, and knows how to add and subtract all kinds of numbers, millions, negatives. But he can't seem to memorize multiplication tables. He'll get the right answer after thinking about it.

What I do know is we have to figure out ways for him to cope with sensory seeking and underresponsive issue and attention issues. Going to get an eval from OT next week.
Has anyone taken their son or daughter to OT? What should I expect out of it?