
There is a private gifted school that I have to look into, but without financial aid we would not be able to pay for it.

In Jan 2010, before I knew as much as I do now about gifted, we had him tested to be eligible for gifted programing his WPPSI was 150 and WIAT Math was 141, (just short on the WIAT math for DYS.) Now a year and half later after working more on math and teaching him more than preschool level math his achievement scores are much higher. As for the ESE/Gifted Coordinator, she insists that they have dealt with kids like DS and they have had social problems with kids who are accelerated in math too quickly. That is why we had him retested with someone who is more of an expert in gifted that providing more direct recommendations of grade skipping, curriculum compacting, etc. We felt like we needed a better expert in our corner after the meeting in May.