Both my elder children are GT and as so many of us know, this can be associated with many challenges.
When I had my third baby 18 months ago, I was secretly excited that he wasn't apparently devloping as quickly as the others had. He turned 1 and could barely say 10 words (although we did know he understood far more) and was not starting to identify letters (whoppee!). He was going to be my 'normal kid'.... or so I thought until last week. All of a sudden I realised that he could tell the difference between letters and numbers. Then he pointed to the ketchup bottle. I finally relented thinking that he was going to push it around, or possibly chew on it (aah!). Instead, he turned it around and started looking at the writing saying various letters (eg C, B etc, in no particular order). Since then, I have noticed other GT signs.
All I could think was, here we go again! crazy Hopefully I'll be better prepared now.