Thanks all for your comments. Nice to know we're not alone - though a shame that that is the case, if you know what I mean! The teacher tested dd's addition facts the other day according to dd, but that was all (dd's loves pretty much everything about maths except maths facts, so I don't know that that will tell her much about where she is really at). DD was very upset because it was her morning for shown and tell and she missed out because the teacher was testing her. She said that was all she could think about while the testing was being done. Poor little thing. She didn't think to let the teach know. I'll be interested to see what happens from there, if anything! I'm pondering where too from here. DD is adamant she doesn't want another skip and I am reluctant to at this stage anyway as socially she's pretty happy(though I wouldn't rule it out down the track). Sometimes I fantasise about having and ND kid. I'm sure that bring it's own probablems, and I adore dd. But there just doesn't seem to be a single easy answer.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke