I think we have to agree to disagree on this one, Ania.

Many people blame computers in general for isolation, yet here we are, on this useful forum, connecting with people in a way that is positive and helpful to us, and would be very nearly impossible without computers. It is what you make of it.

Computers are a tool. Computer games are no more isolating than a deck of cards for a solitare game or TV or a basketball hoop for shooting solo baskets. Heck, when I was a kid, I read books and played Barbies alone in my room for days in a row sometimes without a friend in sight. How is that worse than imagining a world online? Not everyone needs or wants lots of social interaction. There's nothing wrong with being alone if you're happy that way.

In Mia's case, she even sits with her DS, so it is a family game. How is that isolating?

Of course you are welcome to keep your children away from computer games completely if you choose. I certainly limit the time my kids spend on the computer or in front of the TV and encourage my kids to play with friends, as does every other parent here that I've heard discuss the matter. But I do not accept that computer games are inherently evil or are inherently ruining society. I believe they are what you make of them.

You are welcome to your opinion, of course, but I feel like you're trying to persuade Mia, Cym and I that we're wrong. I know that for my part, I've read the studies and the discussions. Frankly, I'm not persuaded that moderate use is harmful. I don't think I'm likely to be.

