When I read your post I knew I had to show it to my nine year old son. He thinks your son is a lot like he was at that age. My son has always liked MMORPG games and has seen World of Warcraft and is impressed that a five year old could play a complicated RPG that requires so much reading. My son plays mostly free online MMORPG games now because I can't afford anything with a monthly fee. He occasionally plays Runescape.

Regarding the fighting, my son said he had trouble with bullies in kindergarten and he was being called names like geek and nerd. He was the only five year old in his kindergarten class reading well (5th grade level) even though a lot of the kids had been redshirted and were a year older. He was the second youngest in his class and he was no match physically for the bullies. He recalls one time when a boy wanted to fight him and he says he knew this older, much bigger boy was going to focus on taking him out using brute strength, which is something my son knows he doesn't have, so he knew he would have to focus on dodging the blows. He said when the other boy kept bullying him, he knew he had to face it but he also knew the bell was supposed to ring soon so he said he "held up his little nerdy fists" in response to the bully's threats and luckily the bell rang before he had to defend himself.

The handwriting issue is something he had to deal with also, but my son had hypotonia and motor dyspraxia which made handwriting and coloring in the lines difficult. He had a problem with reversing letters and numbers. Even though he made what normally would have been a passing score over and end of year first grade test to see if he could score high enough to skip first grade, he didn't make the required 90% in order to skip first grade and I believe it was partly because he couldn't write very well. The kindergarten teacher suggested holding him back a year to practice coloring in the lines and drawing and handwriting since she didn't think he needed to learn anything the next year. This is why really had no choice but to homeschool.

He was recently tested by his OT and his handwriting was low average but because of his hypotonia he still wouldn't be able to write as much as other kids. He has to write slowly to write legibly so he types most of his work at home. His visual motor integration tested a few years below his actual age, but he can write legibly enough that if he were in school they would not be required to provide accommodations.