I'm starting to get more concerned about B (5yo in K) and school. He's had a rough time of it lately.

Last week, he got in a fist fight with another child -- and that's not like him at all. It was something to do with playing chase, and the other child did something that did not suit B, and B hauled off and smacked the kid in the face. He says he hit him four times, the teacher says two -- I trust B on this one. frown No one was hurt, but obviously this is completely unacceptable. He hasn't done anything like this in ages.

And yesterday, they were doing a cut-and-paste project that had to do with counting and cutting -- I don't know exactly what, it was a k project. B didn't finish in the time allotted, because he was talking. And then he didn't finish in the extra time he was given, because he was talking. And then he had to do it during Choice Time -- and he *still* didn't finish, because he was talking! He had to move his behavior marker from green to yellow.

Also yesterday, he told his teacher that he hadn't read the book he was supposed to -- but he HAD! I saw him reading it and asked him questions about it. And it's the book for his "advanced" group. How weird is that?

The other thing I'm seeing is that his handwriting is just *not* improving. He takes no care to space or size his letters and words right, half the letters are still backward, and though he does spell everything right, it takes some serious deciphering to read it.

He says he hates kindergarten and never wants to go.

I just have no idea what to do next. The principal, after a friendly reminder email last week, is supposed to be getting back to us about the IAS. But with his handwriting the way it is ... I doubt they'll accommodate his writing at all if we bump him to second grade in the fall, so he'd massively struggle there. So I don't even know if *that's* the right thing to do either.

Sorry for the whiney post ... I don't know what to do. HS is just not an option for us, financially and all sorts of other -lys. We hope to move in the fall, and I'm investigating other options ... I'm just so frustrated and sad for my little guy.

Thanks for letting me vent ... poor kid. And he's extra sad because we took away his World of Warcraft playing after his fight, deciding that even the fairly innocuous violence wasn't good for him. He *loves* playing that game, and he's a sadder boy without it. frown

