I think that this is a subject that works differently for each family. For us the following is working pretty well:

DS is 12 and we do oversee and guide but do not limit his screen time with specific time limits. But like the original poster, DS is in general a good student, active in Music and Sports and pretty well rounded. Over the summer he spends at least 10 hours a week at the ice rink skating, at least that long reading for fun and 7 hours a day at an activity based day camp where he is physically active almost all of the time. So he does not have a lot of time for screens. But, he is usually so tired by the time he is home that watching TV or playing video games is a nice way for him to relax and unwind. Plus these activities provide a social framework for him to interact with his age peers. We do not live around many other children in his age range. Most of our neighborhood is retired.

Last edited by elh0706; 06/17/11 09:45 AM. Reason: spelling