
My DS10 is a big time video/computer game kid (current fave also Wizard 101). He is also allowed 2 hours of "tech" time a day and a bit more on rainy days etc. and all chores and homework must be done first. On the other hand my DD8 is allowed the same amount of time but hardly ever uses it although she likes Toon Town and Wizard 101.

Since he is so attached to his technology I use it as an incentive etc. I sometimes feel guilty but like your son my son is athletic, has friends, does well in school and reads everyday. I just feel like if he loves it so much it would be kind of cruel to take it away or limit it too much. I mean if he adored basketball would I keep telling him to quit playing? I read an article once that had parents lamenting how much time their sons did "X" and what a waste of time it was and unproductive and made them lazy etc. At the end of the article you find out that it was written a century ago about fishing!

I also have 2 grown (20 & 22) boys both of whom were big gamers and who now next to never play but are successful college students with well-rounded skills/lives so I guess I don't worry as much that he will grow roots in his butt and never grow-up. :-)

I have also sometimes joined them online and gotten to know the games etc. so we can interact about what they love.
