Originally Posted by laura0896
For a 2nd grader...

Is the Cogat composite roughly equivalent to an IQ score?
It's a pretty complicated question - for kids closer to the mean, I think the answer is yes, but for kids closer to the mean, IQ score doesn't mean much, right?

The bigger question is - what questions would on be trying to answer with the information from an individual IQ test?

The typical questions that folks ask here are:

Are there other kids in the classroom with my child that share his readiness level?
Is the school program meeting my child's educational needs?
Does my child need a grade skip/ how much damage am I doing by dismissing the idea of a grade skip 'out of hand?'

For those sorts of questions, then no, CogAt isn't enough. One would want MAP testing - which I think you have, an individualized IQ score, some work samples, and some idea of the educational program that is being offered.
Plus information about a child's social development, sibling issues, 2e tendencies.

Hope that helps!

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