I can completely sympathize with the 'imposter syndrome'. We question the test results often!! In our case, DD8.5 is 2e (ADHD and maybe dyslexia). Her GAI is estimated to be in the 148-151 range. You would NEVER think it, if you were to meet her. She is a bright and engaging child, but school is just not her thing. She likes what she likes and will learn about it a bit until she gets bored. She has no great knowledge on any one subject but knows a bit about a lot of things. We were floored when she was identified as highly gifted and, we suspect, many people who know her would think we had flaming pants-on-fire if we told them of her IQ results.

As we travel further along this road, I am coming to the realization that there is no 'normal' gifted definition. It presents differently in each child. In my child's case, it manifests in her different thought process, amazing memory and emotional sensitivity. I think my DH and, particularly, I need to let go of our preconceived ideas about gifted children and spend more time discovering all the things that do indeed make our DD the great child that she is. I believe in my heart that the world will be a better place because of her, in some manner or another. Whether she reaches the highest of heights or coasts at her own speed... I have faith that she is going to find a way to channel herself. And when she does, watch out!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery