Hi all --

I am just curious and would like some feedback from those who have lots of experience with IQ testing. DS6 took the SB V when he was 5y3m. He scored extremely well across the board, with nonverbal IQ 148, verbal IQ 151, FSIQ 152, with his only weak area in knowledge (primarily nonverbal knowledge).

This is NOT meant to be a competitive "why is your child smarter than mine post", so PLEASE do not read it that way. However, while my son seems quite bright (plenty bright for me!), he really does not seem to come close to the level of many/most of the kids on here who are DYS level (to which he was just accepted). The more people who post, and the more I read, the more I think this. Is there a chance that the provider (who didn't seem to have a great deal of experience with extremely gifted kids) did the test wrong, and that his scores were overstated? Is it more likely that he is just a "later bloomer" than the other kids, or that his areas of weakness (fine motor skills, coordination, eyesight) are impacting his ability to achieve in certain ways? I want to continue to challenge him, but I don't want to put expectations on him that are unrealistic.

Any thoughts? And again, this is NOT supposed to be a question of competition for achievement, I am just trying to understand him better, and see if others have a similar experience when they received very high scores.

