Originally Posted by Kvmum
So the not learning, no real social connections (though it is a lovely group of kids) and the increase in perfectionism are all red flags to me. I guess I feel that 6 months more is fine, 18 months more might be a problem.
I have to agree, being one of those people who would rather watch paint dry with a friend than almost anything else alone - this is fine for 6 more months, but to be avoided if possible for the next 18.

I think the subject acceleration is a great idea, and would ask for that now. I also think arranging a few playdates with 'bright' children from the current 1st grade is a great idea. Ask the first grade teachers to give you phone numbers of mom's from the first grade class - perhaps they know of 1st graders who are new to the area and would welcome the contact, or of 1st graders who are bright but shy and might like playing with a younger girl. (There is such a thing!)

Anyway - I would continue to bring in work samples from home to keep showing the teacher, in a friendly way: "DD loved your unit on Dolphins, I thought you'd enjoy seeing her story that she wrote about them - she finds you so inspiring!"

some call it passive agressive, some call it killing with kindness, I call it 'siege-mentality can create the win!'

Smiles - take small breaks - it's ok to complain to us while no one is looking! -

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