Welcome! We so glad you found us!

Is that the only OT you are working with? Can you get a 2nd opinoin from an other OT. There are a handful of very deeply gifted children who don't talk early. Read the Ruf book to see how impressive your child's accomplishments are in other domains, but don't think that because he didn't talk as early as some, that it means he isn't gifted.

There is this idea called Asynchrouous Development (sp?) - the idea of Giftedness as a deviation from the normal path of development, so reading may be advanced, motor coordination may be behind, speaking may be normal.

You mention that your child is in an early intervention program. What kinds of issues does he have? There is an expression "2E" or "2Eish" for children who are gifted AND have other issues, such as disibilities, LD, ADHD. It's a myth that every Gifted Child is "cross the board wonderful" even in the intellectual spheres.

So welcome again - welcome home!

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