Hello everyone,
I am excited to read Rocksea's post because I have a similar story. My son is almost 2.5 yo. He knew his letter names, numbers, colors and shapes at 18 months but barely talking. At 2 he just started reading letters and numbers on the freeway signs. He is now speaking in 2 to 4 word sentences, reading a little bit, spelling, reading and counting to 40 and doing simple addition. He seems to be unusually fascinated with letters and numbers although he does have other interests and is very outgoing and friendly. He loves to read, often spelling out the words. He also seems to be able to relate letters with words and numbers with numerical values. All of his teachers at his early intervention program believe he is gifted. An OT is very concerned however and told me this is unhealthy and I should try to discourage his interests in letters and numbers. Is she right? Do I have a reason to be concerned? Should I discourage him from his interests in letters and numbers? Or is everyone else correct, is he gifted and the OT just does not know how to recognize this? Is the OT only looking at him according to the "norm" when he clearly does not fit what a typical child is of his age group? I would love to hear what you all think and advise me on what I should do. Thanks.