Hi, Thought I'd chime in...
DS8 really likes these-

Two Miserable Presidents- by Steve Sheinkin
The Narnia Series
The Harry Potter Series
Simon Bloom, The Gravity Keeper
Russell Stannard's "Uncle Albert" series
The two "Cosmic George" books
Theodore Gray's "The Elements"
The Phantom Tollbooth
Johnny Tremain
The Percy Jackson series
Robert Heinlein's "Juvenile" series
"Her Magesty's Wizard"- Christopher Stascheff
anything by Roald Dahl
Why Pi?
any of the "Worst Case Scenario" books
any of the "Basher" books
any "Calvin and Hobbes"
Pullman's "His Dark Material's" series
and is as we speak devouring Larry Gonick's "Cartoon Guide to..." series. (Haven't done the History of the Universe yet because I'm afraid the reasons for all of the wars might be a little much for him)
*and since he's a boy at "that age" there is virtually no kissing in these books ("M-o-O-O-O-o-M!" he says as he hides his face in his hands!)

Love this thread! There's a lot of new stuff (to us) posted here, Thanks! We're always on the hunt for something new...