Minniemarx has inspired me to share. In the last few months, DS read Chua's Tiger Mom, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Disappearing Spoon and the Elements, and this week became fascinated by Electronics for Dummies. This last one is unfortunate because it initiated a list of parts he wants me to buy him.

For fiction, he's started to enjoy Steinbeck and really loved Moby Dick. He recently reread some of the Orson Scott Card (Invasive Procedures and the Ender's Game series).

In the last year, he really enjoyed a couple of the cartoon guides -- like the cartoon guide to economics. And he rereads the Horrible Histories and Murderous Maths obsessively. We have virtually all these books and I think he's read each one cover to cover 10 times. If he finds one randomly in the car, he goes back to reading it as if he's never seen it before.