Saw another thread on 1st graders and since we still struggle to find enough books for our ds10, soon to be 11, I was hoping this thread would thin out the 'best book thread ever' discussion to just those that make sense for a 10 year old reading at 4+ years above his age level, lol...

Right now he is finishing Ender's Game, which I wondered about giving to him due to the violence, but he has not been freaked out by it, and very much enjoying it, so that is great. The Percy Jackson/Olympian books are always a hit, but for some reason, not the other series by the same author.
Loved George's secret key books a couple years back, and most books on astronomy, haven't found anything new in that vein in a while. Oh, and ALL the dragon-ball/dragon-ball z manga books he can get his hands on, wants to learn Japanese now, and is making his own short animations (yay!)
Also recently started on baseball team, so any great baseball books -- kids' stories or possibly bios would be great to know about.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated. thanks!!

Last edited by chris1234; 04/30/11 03:04 AM.