Artemis Fowl
Hunger Games
Guardians of Gahoole
Silverwing, Sunwing, Darkwing, and other series by Kenneth Oppel
Agatha Christie
Smile by Raina Telgemeier (a really good comic with lots of text, esp. good for kids getting braces!)
Tintin, Asterix
Wrinkle in Time
Hardy Boys
Children of the Magic Lamp (PB Kerr)
Cherub series by Robert Muchamore (somewhat violent, so check it out first)
Animal Farm
Lord of the Flies
Ellen and Edgar
Lemony Snickett series
books by Gordon Korman (reading level is pretty basic, but some good stories that appeal to boys - there is a series about hockey)
Jack London
Young Samurai series by Chris Bradford (maybe a bit violent?)
Tales of the Otori series by Lian Hearn
(these last two would appeal to kids who likes manga and things Japanese)

oops have to go. I could add more later!

The Last Apprentice series, Joseph Delaney
Young Nicholas series, by Goscinny and Sempe (English trans. of Petit Nicolas. Kind of like a funnier, more intellectual diary of a wimpy kid).
Sherlock Holmes
Tom Sawyer
To Kill a Mockingbird (couldn't get DS11 to read this one, but I bet other 10/11 yo might like it).

Last edited by Verona; 04/30/11 08:26 PM.