Originally Posted by Verona
I am also from Ontario/Quebec

Yay another fellow Canadian!! smile

Originally Posted by Verona
I think in our area speech therapists, not psychologists, are often the best resource for testing for and treating dyslexia.

I thought the same thing and wish that was the case where I am frown - We went to a speech therapist first for the writing trouble (after a private tutor last year). They tested his reading and comprehension etc. then told me that they don't test writing skills until age 9 but they would work with the writing skills now - which has helped a tiny bit but getting him to practice is a whole other ball game - he completely acts as though I have just shoved hot pokers into his eyes - but that's another story. The Speech Therapists were the ones that gave me the psychologist's name after I asked them who diagnoses dyslexia.

So now the search is on to find someone who is better trained in identifying (or ruling out) dyslexia.