Thank you all so very much for all your suggestions and insight.

Grinity - I am in Ontario, Canada so we can't apply for DYS but I will look into programs on this side of the border. Also, you bring up a good point about the gifted program possibly not being a good fit - very good insight and something that I had not even considered... as for the typing we started tonight, I already had a Mavis Beacon program that I had bought, he wasn't too interested in it a while ago but tonight I told him he had to practice 10 minutes a night and he was receptive to that smile

Cathy and Mich - I had read about stealth dyslexics in "The Mislabeled Child" and wondered if that was what was going on - I suggested dyslexia to the psychologist in the beginning but she didn't comment on it at all in her report. I kinda assumed she would have screened for this - but I will ask about it specifically.

Herenow - you are absolutely right I do need to sit down with him to explain what is going on. At bedtime he told me that there is no one else like him - I told him that we are all unique but that there are other people who learn similarly to him and we will talk about it tomorrow.

Kathleen'smum - a million thank you's!! I am so glad that I saw your post on the other forum - a serendipitous moment for sure --> Kathleen'smum and I used to commiserate when we both had sleepless babies on a different forum about 8 years ago, I hadn't been on for years, I went on a couple days ago right after she had posted a link to this site for someone else... smile