Our school switches to MAP from PMAP in 2nd grade. My son skipped midyear and we got all sorts of promises that his score would go down with his first MAP. It didn't, it went up 12 points.

However, it hasn't moved since. In four tests now, his score has stayed literally exactly the same. I expressed some concern to the teacher who said that she just can't teach the stuff that is the next level up in her class. Essentially she refused to differentiate. This sparked a whole level of advocacy on our part, which took the full year, and was still unsuccessful.

If you look at the RIT scales Inky has posted on other threads, is your child ready for the next 10 points section? In my research, this isn't just about reading. For example, the next section on my son's test was about logic arguments. He was expected to tell the difference between circular logic and strawman arguments. Well he's 8 and in 3rd grade with a teacher who won't teach so that's not going to happen!

We've dropped the issue because the next section is some pretty out there stuff and I'd rather he just read and love it right now. But if I felt like my child was ready to learn it, I'd work on it at home.