I think that the meeting went well. The teacher is aware of LOG, and that is a minor miracle. The teacher knows what she wants to see in terms of scores, that's good too.

Did you get a chance to look at the text books for the gifted classes? It would be nice to see what the typical gifted 6th graders are doing, and what the +1 and +2 kids are doing.

As for organizational skills, good for you for steering the conversation back to 'he still needs to be growing' - you are so right. OTOH, now is a good time to ask yourself what kind of college experience you think would be best for you child, and what the expectations are for kids who go that route, in terms of grades.

Let's say that you are hoping to send your DS off to the Flagship State University Honor's program when the time is right. If that program is looking for 'straight A' kids, then you are in the unpleasant and delicate position of asking yourself if your son has the organizational skills to really get an A in an Honors High School class next year. If yes, then no problem, but some kids, no matter how gifted, really need those years to mature into students who can 'crank it out' and 'do school.' So if your 6th grader goes to do math at the high school, it's good to know how the grades show up on the high school transcript.

So it can be a tricky balance, at least it was in my house, KWIM?
love and More love,

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