I have posted before about my middle daughter, who is now 12, here:
link to previous thread . She has had difficulties with spelling, phonological processing, writing down information that seems to be right in front of her, & some auditory issues since 2nd grade. But her grades have always been good & scores on state test are consistently high.
I have finally managed to get a psychological evaluation done & had the last appointment to get the results today. So I thought I would share them & find out if anyone had any feedback. Also if you have any advice for placement for next year as she enters middle school (gifted, advanced, honors, etc.)
WISC-IVVerbal Comprehension Subtests/Scaled Scores:Similarities/16++
Perceptual Reasoning Subtests/Scaled Scores:Block Designs/15++
Picture Concepts/15++
Matrix Reasoning/14
Working Memory Subtests/Scaled Scores:Digit Span/04--
Letter-Number Sequencing/10--
Processing Speed Subtests/Scaled Scores:Coding/10--
Symbol Search/11
Index/Composite Score/Percentile:Verbal Comprehension/136++/99
Perceptual Reasoning/129++/97
Working Memory/83--/13
Processing Speed /103--/58
Full Scale IQ /120++ /91
++statistically significant relative strength
--statistically significant relative weakness
WJ-IIIComposite Scores & subtests/Standard Score/percentile/GE:
Broad Reading/98--/44/6.1
Letter-Word Identification/97--/42/5.6
Passage Comprehension/113/80/11.3
Reading Fluency/92--/31/5.2
Broad Mathematics/116/86/10.1
Applied Problems/112/78/10.3
Mathematics Fluency/91--/27/5.5
Broad Written Language/96--/41/5.8
Writing Samples/121++/92/13.5
Writing Fluency/88--/22/4.9
Academic Skills/107/68/7.4
Academic Applications/117/87/11.4
Academic Fluency/90--/26/5.1
Total Achievement/103/57/7.0
Oral Language/103/57/8.2
Story Recall/104/60/9.3
Understanding Directions/102/55/7.8
++statistically significant when compared with intellectual potential of full scale IQ of 120
--statistically significant weakness (minus one standard deviation)
There is a long, well-written report, but I won't bore you with all of that.

If anyone wants details I will be happy to share. The overall factor is that her strong abilities are hampered by her weak fluency/speed.
The diagnosis is that "[dd12] is best considered a gifted student with a learning disability. She meets criteria for a Reading Disorder (dyslexia) with particular impairment in reading speed as well as a Disorder of Written Expression with impairment in writing speed."
His recommendations are:
1. A 504 education plan that offers extra work time for classroom examinations & standardized tests;
2. The opportunity to use a keyboard when possible for written assignments;
3. Using learning strategies of visualization, conceptual analysis, practical examples, & general understanding to integrate information;
4. (synopsis) Make sure she learns to organize her work & does not procrastinate. Because of her slow work speed,the further she gets behind the harder it will be for her to show her full potential.