AEH is the expert and I am not even going to try to address specific test results as she has.

I have extensive in family experience with HEDS, POTS and dysgraphia that is primarily physical and due to the HEDS.

Q2: I can't speak to the actual tests like AEH can, but having three children with dysgraphia due to HEDS, one of who seems to also have more typical dysgraphia... All of whom are gifted and don't necessarily look THAT bad on OT tests. What their OT has done has explicitly assessed and reported the difference between handwritten tasks (as the standarised test require) and the same task performed with typing.

For two of my children all problems are resolved by moving to typing.

In fact for one of these children there is no easily measurable problem with handwriting on standardised tests, they produce legible handwriting at good speed. Only professional observation of declining grip, obvious pain, etc lead to an opinion that it is cruel to expect the child to hand write volume at speed. Repeating the test with typing did however produce a massively improved output on the same type of test (either copying a set sentence or free writing), further demonstrating the impact of handwriting on their output.

For the third child typing helps enormously, but it does not resolve all problems, there is still difficulty formulating thoughts and getting product "on paper". Typing is a necessity, but their difficulty goes beyond the physiological problems with their hands caused by HEDS. This child has the worst hands, needed the most therapy to learn any handwriting (we were told not to even bother by the OT when they were 4 "be happy if they grow up able to sign their name and tick boxed"). But the actual writing is a problem too.

Q3: Please do your own research, but I think you will find tracking issues common in EDS.

Q4: One of my children recently completed the IB. They loved it. They were granted extra time and typing for anything beyond short answers (ie typing for history and english, handwriting for math and chem short answer questions, but typing for things like prac reports). The organizational load is significant, but it is a wonderful program, I know nothing about the British system so I can't tell you how it compares but I am not convinced that the IB requires THAT much more organization than other approaches to senior high school certificates.

Q6: what is your daughter prepared to learn to use? My child who will NEED some sort of AT for math/science exams at that level is currently completely refusing to learn any options that might help.

Feel free to send me a PM if you have questions you don't want to share publicly. Or that you think I might not want to answer publicly.