Thanks Indigo!

I’ll have a look into the books on perfectionism, and point DD at the book “Understanding Myself”. Happy to say we’ve always tried to encourage a growth mindset etc and for DD to keep working on problems even though she finds them hard. But this is easier to do with a something for which there is an absolute “correct” answer. We find that subjects that require the building of an argument using various pieces of evidence are much more challenging for her - there is more fear of being wrong. It’s not that she can’t write essays but that she refuses to stop at “good enough”, spending days on an essay meant to take half an hour. Perhaps she is misapplying the lesson on persistence.
However, DD’s soon-to-be ex school have not helped by sometimes declining to give more advanced material on the grounds DD wasn’t getting 100% in tests (just 95%+) The school don’t seem to know what to do with her because she learns quickly but clearly needs extra help in some areas. I think the support team in her new school will be much more clued into how to work with 2e kids.
Her exams are over, thank goodness. It will be a while until she gets her results so we have time to help her develop a healthier perspective.

Last edited by ESAK; 05/25/21 01:25 PM.