Good morning!  I'm feeling frustrated and conflicted about supporting my child this morning, and some googling brought me to this group I am!

Editing for length since my first post didn't get any replies. TLDR - my 4th grade daughter scored in the 99%+ on the WISC-V administered by her school, but substantially lower on the InView screener for the G&T program in our district. On state standardized testing from the end of 3rd grade, she got the highest possible score for ELA. and pretty high for math, and scored at the top of her class in reading assessments at the beginning of this year. For reasons still somewhat unclear to me, she has not been admitted to the G&T program (a 2x a week pullout program) because the school feels like her needs are being met in the classroom. I'm not sure what else to ask for in terms of school support.

Despite clearly having the ability, she is starting to present as frustrated and disconnected about school. She has started to be really resistant to doing schoolwork in class in a timely manner, and earlier this year was outright refusing to do math practice. Bizarrely, we found out that she has not been reading the assigned book for her class book club - despite the fact that she reads for 2-3 hours a day for pleasure at home.  We've tried to raise the issue with her at home about her resistance/motivation levels, but she gets frustrated and can't really explain to us what's going on.  I really don't want to push her too hard, but I do want her to be happy and fulfilled at school.  I don't want the situation at school to get to the point where she checks out or loses confidence.

Outside of school, we can't seem to give her enough enrichment. She has started piano lessons which she loves, and the teacher (unprompted) told me that she appears to be gifted with music, and she also takes viola lessons at school.  We also recently started Mathnasium for math enrichment to help her gain some confidence and enthusiasm about math, which she also loves.  We make weekly trips to the library for new books, and she gets 2-3 weekly kids magazines, which she devours as soon as she gets them.  I'm hesitant to pile on more extracurriculars, and am just frustrated with how to better support her in the classroom, where she spends most of the day.

In conclusion - is there anything obvious I should be pushing for at the school level? I'm at a bit of a loss how to help a kid who seems to be disconnecting in class and appears disorganized.

Or, should we just continue to focus on enrichment outside of school and figure the school aspect will work itself out?  I'm not trying to be a tiger mom or push my wonderful kiddo too hard, but I just don't want to look back and wish I'd done more to support her.

Last edited by AnonMom; 02/04/25 09:30 AM.