Interesting Meg. I'd love to know if anyone has tried this and what resulted from it.
I did. It resulted in homeschooling-LOL! Warning, rant:
My DD's 10th grade English teacher stated that my daughter needed to "learn a work ethic in order to survive in the real world, because after all in the real world you have to do boring work to keep your job".
This teacher informed me that it
was her job to teach my DD this, since I was clearly was failing to do so. (This teacher actually twisted the rules in order to fail my DD so she could "teach" my DD and the rest of the class the importance of "work ethic")*
It resulted in Twilight-Zone sort of meeting with the Assistant Principal, the counselor and the teacher (who was so busy she could only stop in for a moment). The teacher turned red and was actually spitting. After she left, the other school officials nodded indicating that they agreed the teacher was out of line but said it would just be easier for everyone if we just accepted it and allowed the teacher to fail my DD, assuring me that my DD could breeze through the self-paced summer school make-up class in one no harm done!

Ultimately it resulted in my withdrawing my daughter from school and homeschooling via community college classes.
*long story, but the ISD policy stated no more than 20% of the course grade could be based on homework and my DD made 100's on all in-class work and tests. My DD was also the only student in the class to score higher than 63% on the pre-AP practice exam (she scored 97%), this did not sit well with the teacher who stated that it was unfair and sent the wrong message to the "hard-working students" in her class. She then stated that "tests are really not a good measure of what students know".
This teacher also claimed that because my DD had not turned in any homework, she really didn't know if my DD understood the material and had concerns that my DD might not. I suggested that my DD stay after school to work one-on-one with the teacher until the teacher was satisfied

. The teacher then said this was not necessary, she knew that my DD clearly got the material but that wasn't enough, she needed to get with the program. AAAAHHHHHHHRRRGGGHHHHH