hi all. as some of you may have read, I have been awaiting news about DS acceptance to a private school. At their insistence, after viewing his WJ and WPPSI, we applied him to the 1st grade, although he did not make the age cut off. We thought that through the process, he would be considered for both K and 1, and that depending on their findings, that they would place in appropriately. They are a school for the "bright and gifted" and curriculum runs a year ahead. WELL - got the call yesterday, he is "wait listed" for 1st grade, and that he is #1 on the wait list.... HOWEVER, there was only 1 spot available for 1st grade, and we all know, whoever they offered it to, will likely accept!
SO we asked, "well, what about K??"... and were told he is too advanced for K, that 1 is the right placement and we should wait and see if a spot opens!
Now what do we do??? It was really our only option! I never dreamed this would be the outcome! Am at a total loss, not to mention, utterly devastated. PLEASE, any kind words to soften the blow????
Last edited by Lukemac; 03/22/11 06:42 AM.