Hi Tallulah and susandj,
As far as knowing the math facts.... when DCs are working on EPGY, they have access to a multiplication table to reduce the frustration (i.e. figuring out 4*8 by adding 8+8+8+8, which took a long time) and keep their focus on learning the concepts. It has been about a year since they started using multiplication table, DD6 pretty much have the table "memorized."
Oh, I think we did not let them use the multiplication table for the end-of-grade test on EPGY.
As far as money and time.... we printed some worksheets from
www.mathfactcafe.com. It has lots of flexibility (in setting the parameters) to meet your level. We also get into the habit of asking DCs to tell us the time. As for money, we bought some fake coins/bills and played store/shopping with them.
Hope this helps...