Glad to see it is working well for you. I am hopeful that it goes as well for DS8. He is also doing the Math Olympiad. Lat year was his first year. Our ES is k-5th so he had some time working with last years 5th graders. MOEMs has been a challenge for him. I am not sure if it�s because of the math (It is difficult) or the instructor (Which is myself). I started this last year and most of the 30 students did not do well. Of the 25 questions last year, only one student received 17, one 14 (DS8), a few received over 10, and most under 10. For those of you unfamiliar with the Math Olympiad, their are 5 contest with 5 questions for each contest. They are once a month starting in November. I am hopeful that this year I can do a better job of teaching them problem solving skills. Its funny how many teachers think I am a math wiz, I have had to let them know, I am not only not a math wiz, but I am not even that good with math. Lucky for me its still ES, and I have the answers and how to solve them.
Last edited by Edwin; 10/22/10 07:59 AM. Reason: Spell Check