Hi guys. I forgot my username and had to re-register so I'm not new but my username is

I'll try to keep this brief:
Last year DS was at a Montessori school registered in K but finished the year in 1st for reading and 2nd for math.
We moved to a new district but before we bought the house I spoke with the principal of the new school and she said she'd start working to get DS skipped to 2nd for this school year. She said that per the district there they aren't allowed to give out of grade level work so if he's in 1st he's not allowed to go to another grade for any subject or do any other work in class.
Things seemed to be going well until one day I called to check on the progress of getting him skipped and the principal informed me that she took another job and that I'd have to speak to the new principal to do the skip and he wouldn't be in until the day before school started. She had never filed the paperwork to get him moved up.
I wasn't happy. I was under the impression that all would be taken care of before school started. I called plenty of people at the school board but they said there is nothing they can do for me because a grade skip must be requested by the principal.
On the first day of school we found out that he was in a 2nd grade classroom. When we walked in I talked to the teacher about what was going on with him and she told me that she didn't think it was a good idea for him to be in 2nd grade. This was all before he even said a word. Before 9:30 that morning they had moved him to 1st grade.
The new principal called me yesterday and told me that there is no way they are skipping him to 2nd grade. That until they know him, which could take a few years, they won't even consider it. He wouldn't even listen to anything I had to say.
I talked to his teacher and she said that she felt he needed to be in 1st because of his handwriting and because he acts like a 1st grader. She said that she did send home some more difficult homework for him but it was stuff that he's known how to do since he was a baby. For math he had to count blocks and write how many there were.
I don't know where to go from here. The school board won't help me. The principal won't help me. The only thing that I can think to do at this point is to try and work with the teacher. The bad thing is I know that if DS is bored he's going to act out in class and that's going to make it harder for me to get anything done.
Last night he was reading over the homework sheet that the teacher sent the parents. He'd read what they'd be doing in each subject and would just put his head down and shake it. He told me that he feels like he'll be doing this until he's in 11th grade. I feel so bad for him. He was so excited to be in 2nd grade on the first day.
Sorry this turned out so long. I look forward to hearing how the year is going for everybody. I'm going to try and go back and read the thread now

Kriston - you sent me some homeschooling links through email a few weeks ago, I'm still reading those and hoping that I'll be able to convince everybody that's what needs to happen soon.