Fortunately, they aren't reviewing every day and the teachers are coordinating the review days between grades.
I wish she didn't have to go back at all, but this level of cooperation is really wonderful! And rare, sadly! So go school!
I would see if you can make a quick phone call to see if you can get this adjusted. Again - focus on the emotional reaction you daughter is having. I'm sure they are not intuiting her reaction and thinking 'tough tootsies!' - they probably never met or imagined a kid who gets this worked up over readiness level. It's hard to imagine that what seems so obvious to us is so mysterious to others. And yes, this is normal behavior amoung our kids.
As for Math: "One plus One equals Two. True or False? Explain how you got your answer." This type of question boggled me, so I went on the website and called up the developers. Here's what I figured out -
There are a few common ways of BSing one's way through the question. Such as -
I used a number line. Started a one, moved one step to the Right. Saw that my finger was at "2"
I used a chart. I moved my finger across the row marked "1" until I got to the column marked "1", and saw that I was in the box marked 2.
I used tokens. I moved 1 to the answer pile, then I moved another 1 token to the answer pile. Then I counted up all the numbers in the answe pile.
I counted on my fingers. I raised one (can you guess which one?) for the first one, and then I raise the my pinky to represent the second one. Then I counted my fingers to get two.
I think that there is also a fancy way of saying that I have memorised certian Math facts, and used my memorization knowledge.
Problem for our kids is that this very interesting approach to Math occurs naturally to them right around the age that they are learning to talk. But I do applaud the spirit of trying to do 'more than just memorize' math facts. And I protest the mentality that suggests that this is appropriate for children who have already gotten the connection between numbers and what they represent.
Good Luck,