any research on long term problems of grade skipping?? I know it is great to go to college early, but any research on these kids performed better than their less gifted kids ?
apologies for being pessimistic........the problem is negative aspects of this gifted education rarely become come to limelight
These are great questions, Yannam. I have seen very good results from the Iowa Acceleration Scale people, and you can read more about this on There will be exceptions for the most part - I remember a pie chart saying 98% of candidates are happy with acceleration (or something to this effect), which implies a 2% failure rate.
Personally, it beats me because my son is still young and college is far from my mind. But what I do know is that most of our kids con't fit into the school system even at an early age, and it's something that we try to deal with now. Poor learning/stimulation in the early years can lead to a rapid buildup of bad habits that are hard to get rid of later (my son daydreams the whole day in class - I can't see how that will help him develop learning habits for when he really does need them later on).
Maybe the trick is to focus on what your child needs for now and to use whatever IQ results you have to get her the services she requires. I know you have an issue regarding getting another test - no easy answers here. In our case, I just want to do what we can now in response to my son's clamouring and hope that the future will fall into place as we go along.