One thing I learned back in my OCD/Explore days was that ACT made different deals with different talent searches. Not to pick on poor Cel here on her very first post, but WATS could very well be lower on the list than say one of the other searches.
Well, that sucks!

Dd#1's SAT scores through WATS came quite quickly. We aren't late at all yet on the Explore scores for dd#2 since she didn't take it until 2/20, but that does leave me concerned that we won't get them by the end of March as we were told. This concerns me for two reasons:
1) We really need them to get all the scores together so they can send out those awards ceremony letters so I know if I need to try to rearrange dd#1's choir performance schedule for that day. From what the director down there told me anecdotally when I was speaking with her a few weeks ago for a different thing, we do probably expect her to get into the awards with her SAT CR &/or writing scores, but I'm not counting on it until I see the letter.
2) I
need want the Explore info from dd#2's testing so I can see where I get with her school re GT identification. I haven't heard anything back from the school coordinator in the past week since she told me that she would check with the district as to whether they could use the "alternate" data of an individual achievement test over a group achievement test

in concert with IQ scores. We all know that individual achievement tests are so much less accurate than group tests...