If you get over to the WTM board there are two really good and lengthy threads on science and on rigorous education that includes science. There are often more off the grid suggestions for books and such that I have found helpful. For instance some people use Oak Meadow materials for middle and upper level science since they use Glencoe and Holt publishers secularly. Their AP Biology is Campbell I believe. Just buying the teacher materials from them without enrolling is inexpensive but gives you a daily or weekly guide to plan around in addition to any TE's and books you can buy from the publishers or used online.
There are also many literature based science programs available if that would be more your thing, a whole different list of suggestions there, and that does get a little harder as you get higher up the grade levels.

Those recommendations would depend on if you want secular science or not.
I have also found it helpful to order the catalogs from the PS publishers to have something to compare to and get ideas from as far as topics to cover. Many have free, although often somewhat hush hush sites for their books that you can access as well.

Such as Glencoe, Holt McDougal, Pearson (harder to get catalogs from them but they have an online one).
Something many people also forget is to search for your local schools web pages. They often have links to the textbooks they use for ideas. Some even post lesson plans, assignments, and online textbooks. I figure I'm a taxpayer just the same. Hope that gives you some ideas.
Gosh, I'm almost feeling like a veteran.