It's hard for me to tell. I think it's my DS more than the program. And whether or not he moves from 4th to 5.7 or 5.0 is irrelevant. The program doesn't repeat while you're in it - you just keep moving ahead. I don't think they expect anyone to enter at the bottom of the grade unless the student is new to the program and places there by their placement test. My DS did learn using Aleks, but I don't think the skills were solidified the way they could have been had he been writing out the answers and doing more problems. Of course, he could have done more problems on paper instead of in his head, and he could have done more problems, but chose not to. I also wondered what he got out of it if he went through it so quickly. I'm just amused that he likes EPGY now. Last year, he hated EPGY and liked Aleks. He says he likes EPGY now b/c of the music when he gets the answer right and b/c it's easy. We're not there yet, lol!