I hear you Grinity. I couldn't find the paper cited but this article expands on it more than the book.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=beyond-iq-kids-who-can-focus-on-task-do-better-math"Preschool curricula that focus on development of these skills and self-regulation are needed in a big way," Blair says. "There is a federal push to learn our numbers, our letters and our words, but a focus on the content, without a focus on the skills required to use that content, will end up with children being left behind."
Thanks for the article, Inky.
I'm curious what you guys see at home - do your kids have a great attention span for every area, or is it only for areas of special interest?
I sure would like DS to develop a good attention span across the board, but it's tough because his attention is extremely task specific. He can sit for hours building Lego and recently, Lego Robotics, doing math (particular workbooks only), and reading his science mags; that's about it. If something doesn't catch him, he doesn't bother and has zero bandwidth. I can't ever make him listen to me read books he has no interest in. His eyes will glaze over and in an instant, he's happily in his own world. I can imagine that's what he does at school when the teacher starts to speak!
Perhaps he's still young because I really hope his self regulation can spill over to other areas as he gets older. (I've received a few complaints from his teachers, so this issue is constantly at the back of my mind.)